Seattle SEO Packages

Seattle SEO Packages

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(206) 866-0006

Seattle SEO Packages

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Barebones SEO Packages

At LinkHelpers we aim to deliver the highest level of service at the lowest possible cost. As such we only offer bare-bones SEO. We only charge you for the products and/or services we deliver. We do not charge you monthly SEO fees.

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Search Engine Optimization, no matter how you slice it, is built on 2 main things; Relevance and Popularity. Sure, there are 198 other factors according to Google such as Domain Age, Thematic Websites, Bounce Back rate, HTML Semantics, etc...

However, the two (2) most critical things have remained unchanged, Relevance and Popularity.


Relevance is based on a couple of things. The meta data and the content. The meta data was created to help Search Engines catalogue pages. It was based on the Index Card schema. This requires the proper use of the meta data as an accurate summary of the page. This however has been abused and used to stuff keywords. At LinkHelpers, we believe in presenting Search Engines will properly formed and accurate meta data. Guess what? It works.

Content Optimization is another thing. We have noticed a huge change in Google's efforts to weed out word stuffing. Which we believe is great. You can almost barf at the way many sites overly stuff their pages with their keywords.

Content Optimization is a science. How so? We have taken the pains to do a massive statistical study that took us 3 months to complete. Using advanced statistical modeling, we have divined the Logarithmic curve that accurately describes relevance. Not just to Google, but to Bing, Yahoo, Ask and many more Search Engines. Using our tools, optimized content actually reads well and is content you can be proud of. We write compelling prose designed to draw the viewers in. Read More...


Popularity is a funny thing. When Google started, it was based on a dissertation by Larry Page on the democratic web. It was a major departure from how websites were ranked where Link Popularity played a major factor in ranking websites. As far as weighted factors, popularity trumped relevance so much so that it was once possible to rank a site that had no relevance using shear link popularity.

The problem with this paradigm was that many sites were ranked for high keyword traffic with absolutely no relevance. Additionally the belief that people will drill through sites looking what they searched didn't work. Bounce Back rates (when a user clicks the back button) were hovering at 70%+. Hence the major shift with algorithm updates like, Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird.

The goal was to clean up the mess of the past and start fresh with a relevance based algorithm. And it worked. The bounce back rate has dropped to about 50% as more relevant results are served up. However, whether we like it or not link popularity plays a major factor in ranking sites. It just has to be done right. Read More...

© 2014 LinkHelpers International Inc ★ steve@linkhelpers.comSeattle SEO
1546 NW 56th St, Seattle WA 98107 ★ (206) 866-0006
325 Washington Ave, #350, Kent WA 98032 ★ (253) 852-0059
17399 W Buckhorn Trail, Surprise AZ 85387 ★ (623) 444-6144